I haven't been keeping this consistant. Just like everything else in my life! Goodness. I start something I do not intend to finish. Sheesh.
So here's some updates from me. New shirt up at Snorg:

Getting some professional jobs here and there through word of mouth. It's a nervous process meeting someone for the first time and hearing what they have to say about your work. It's even more nerve-wracking when more than one person you've never met all have opinions on your work.
Needless to say I've got a bit of work ahead of me - but I'm up for the challenge!

It still tickles me to see strangers wearing my shirt designs. Snorg updates every week with new people wearing Snorg shirts. If you have one of mine, post it! I'd love to see you wearing it :D
Got around to finishing an old illustration. I wanted to make a background, I'm so lazy. I might try again!

I've got a photoshoot this Wednesday with a lovely young model. I hope to have some new interesting glamour shots to add to my pitiful portfolio. You should see those by the end of the week.
That's all for now folks!